Thursday, June 04, 2009


I've been feeling unwell - whether it's tooth/jaw aches, stomach aches, or head colds - consecutively ever since Natascha left DC. Seriously. Every single day since then, something has not felt right. So I figured out what's wrong. I must be allergic to not being around Natascha. Please come back. I would like to feel good again.


Natascha said...

I hate to say this, but I knew that would happen.

I'll see what I can do to help you out.

Ro Ro Riot said...

Ha ha. Well, I think the effects are wearing off a little, but maybe you should still think about coming out to visit us again.

Catherine Faux said...

hmmm, I'm guessing you kept your "Catherine withdrawals" a secret. I'm glad, because had I known, I would have flown back immediately.

Ro Ro Riot said...

Yeah, I figured your kids and husband would've felt bad about it. Although I did consider testing to see if my withdrawals would get all of you to come out here...